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Published: December 7, 2021

What Does a Digital Marketing Agency Do? An in Depth Look at Digital Marketing

The path to becoming a small business owner is full of ups and downs. Yet, eventually, you made it through. Now you're here and your small business is up and running.

However, the journey to success has only just begun. You see, the real challenge in small business ownership is making your company successful. This point can be made clear by the 50% of small businesses that fail in the first five years.

The key to your success is effective marketing. As such, you're probably wondering, "What does a digital marketing agency do?"

We're glad you asked. Let's take a look at how the best digital marketing agency in Kentucky can help your business acquire more leads and make more sales.

Learn More About Your Target Market Through Data-Driven Marketing Insights

One of the most important answers to "What does a digital marketing agency do?" revolves around your target market. Do you know what demographic of consumers make up your target market or target audience? Do you know about their consumer habits and what marketing tactics they respond to?

This is where the best digital marketing agency websites can help. We can provide data-driven analytics based on your industry.

We take an in-depth look at the consumers in your industry, as well as your biggest competitors. Then, based on the information we collect, we can help you devise a marketing strategy to effectively target those consumers.

Improve Your Search Engine Visibility

The importance of search engine visibility cannot be overstated. The majority of all internet experiences begin with a search engine, primarily Google.

Your website's visibility on search engines depends on your search engine optimization. SEO is the coding embedded in your website that search engine crawlers look for to find the most appropriate content based on keyword searches. SEO also takes location into account, which directs consumers to local businesses.

For example, a digital marketing agency in Louisville will help you ensure you're attacking website traffic from Louisville residents. When they search for the keywords related to your industry, you'll come up in their search results, which will result in more leads.

Improving Your Organic SEO Rankings

Now that you know a little more about how SEO works, let's talk about how you can boost your Google rankings. Ranking high on Google is important because the first few results get the majority of user clicks.

First, register your website with Google My Business. This will increase your local SEO ranking and provide users with all the information they need about your business at a glance. They will be able to see your location, business hours, and contact information.

Next, begin publishing blog articles on your side that are keyword-rich. These keywords will help each page rank higher for related Google searches. However, make sure you're not keyword-stuffing, which can actually hurt your SEO ranking.

We also recommend using link-building tactics to increase your SEO credibility. This includes internal links, external links, and backlinks from other websites.


It's important to understand that your organic SEO ranking will take time to establish. Now, you're probably wondering, "What does a digital marketing agency do to combat this?"

Excellent question. A digital marketing agency in Kentucky can help you create and publish pay-per-click ads that will automatically increase your search engine visibility.

PPC marketing allows you to pay for top-ranking spots on Google search results pages. While these paid promotions have an "ad" disclaimer" it will still help you attract more consumers to your website.

In return, you pay Google for each click your promotion receives. You can work with the digital marketing agency to determine an appropriate daily or weekly ad budget. Once that capacity has been met, your ad will be disabled.

Increase Your Reputation and Credibility Through Content Creation

Now, let's look at "What does a digital marketing agency do in terms of content creation?"

If you felt a twinge of panic when we talked about publishing blog articles, this section is for you. We understand that most people aren't natural writers. While writing a blog article is far from authoring a book, it can still be intimidating.

Furthermore, not everyone has the time, inspiration, or skills to write content for their websites, and that's okay. A digital marketing agency will work with you to create professional content for your blog. They'll research and implement effective keywords based on your industry and niche to ensure your website ranks high on Google.

Professional content creation will also provide your website visitors with valuable information. This will improve your relationship with them and add credibility to your brand.

Expand Your Online Presence Through Social Media

Finally, let's answer "What does a digital marketing agency do for small businesses on social media?"

Almost 3 in 4 Americans use social media apps like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. As such, social media proves to be one of the best platforms for marketing small businesses. You can use these apps to promote your products and services, connect with consumers, and expand your brand awareness.

Organic Social Media Marketing

Posting organic (free) content is important for building up your brand identity and reputation on social media. We recommend posting multiple times a week. You can post pictures and videos highlighting your products or services or blurbs linking back to blog articles.

To increase your presence naturally, encourage your friends and followers to engage with your content. Ask them to share your posts or tag their friends. A digital marketing agency can help you come up with relevant and engaging content to post on your feed.

Paid Social Media Ads

To maximize your influence and increase your following, we also recommend using paid social media ads. These work on multiple levels to help you generate more leads and make more sales.

First, you can dictate what users see your ads based on certain demographics, such as:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interest
  • User preferences
  • Search history
  • And more

To get the best results with paid ads, we recommend working with a digital marketing agency in Kentucky. They can help you create different ads and analyze the results. The more you understand the analytics of your social media ads, the more you'll be able to streamline your marketing process.

Ready to Get a First-Hand Answer to What Does a Digital Marketing Agency Do?

There are countless ways in which the best digital marketing agencies can help you improve your business. In today's business world, online visibility and reputation are everything. If you're not adhering to these industry trends, you can't expect your business to thrive.

And if you're still wondering, "What does a digital marketing agency do," contact us today to get a first-hand view. We would love to help you perfect your marketing strategy and get your business on the map.

Experience The Difference For Free

We know most agency websites sound like they say the same thing, so it can be hard to know what to believe. We'd much prefer to have the opportunity to show you how we think and work.
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